Bot Tokens
Beside VICS as the main crypto token issued by the RoboFi Ecosystem, each DABot can issue two types of crypto tokens by itself. They are bot Governance tokens (a.k.a, bot G-tokens) and Certificate tokens (a.k.a, bot C-tokens). For each DABot, the G-token is unique, while the C-tokens may be various depending on bot specification. Nevertheless, the total supply of G-tokens and C-tokens for each bot is limited by designed.
Governance tokens (G-tokens) act as governance shares of DABots and are mainly sold in IBO phase. In order to own G-tokens and thereby obtaining the governance power on bots, users at the 1st step have to contribute to the initial fund for bots to trade via staking, and then at the 2nd step users must use VICS to buy G-tokens.
The price of G-tokens is decided by Bot creator when he/she created new DABots in the Bot Genesis phase. The G-token price sold in-IBO phase is always cheaper than the G-token price sold after-IBO phase. The price multiplier is also decided by Bot creator.
G-token’s name is derived from the bot’s name. For example, a DABot named SilkBot has its SilkBotGToken, a DABot named PanBot has its PanBotGToken. For each DABots, the G-token is unique, and the total supply of G-token is limited as predefined by Bot creator.
Business functions with G-token are described here. Briefly, G-tokens can only be bought by VICS. Users can harvest governance rewards from G-tokens. Governance rewards are paid in VICS also. Users can also redeem G-tokens at any time to get back VICS.
Certificate tokens (C-tokens) represent the “proof” for each staking. As its name also suggested, C-tokens are certificates issued per each unit of crypto assets staked to the DABot. When users stake crypto assets to DABots, they will get C-tokens as confirmation. C-tokens must match to crypto assets (e.g., sUSDT, USDT, BNB, ETH,…) that are accepted in each bot portfolio and this is pre-defined by Bot creators.
C-token's names are derived from the DABot’s name and the asset name. For example, SilkBot only accepts staking with sUSDT, so the C-token is only SilkBotsUSDT. Meanwhile, PanBot accepts staking with BUSD or BNB, so its C-tokens are PanBotBUSD and PanBotBNB, respectively, for any staking in BUSD or BNB.
C-token are used to harvest staking rewards. Staking rewards are paid in the same staked crypto asset (i.e, staking sUSDT will get rewards in sUSDT, users can convert sUSDT to get back USDT with value 1:1 thanks to RoboFi Treasury).
User can withdraw and “unstake” C-tokens that he/she is hodling. DABot will burn his/her C-tokens and return the staked assets to user.
Both G- and C-tokens give users rewards generated from bot trading activities, however, G-tokens confer more power to change bot settings and join the bot game.
Since any DABot could circulate bot tokens of itself, that means the more DABots, the more tokens existing in the system. RoboFi Wallet helps users to store VICS, sTokens, bot G-tokens and C-tokens, as well as popular crypto assets (USDT, BUSD, ETH, BNB…) in their own wallets.
Last updated
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