What are DABots
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Decentralized Autonomous Bots (DABots) are kinds of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), powered by smart contracts. Participants of a DABot could be either stake users or governance users.
Stake users are participants who deposit crypto assets to the bot to generate earnings. Meanwhile, governance users are participants who purchase DABot’s governance shares to control various settings of DABots and earn a portion of bots’ earnings. Depending on how earnings are generated, DABots are classified into 3 types:
DEX DABots are bots that trade on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Pancake. DEX DABots accept staking of DEX-tradable tokens (such as ERC20 tokens on Ethereum network, BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain network, and so on)
CEX DABots are bots that trade on centralized exchanges such as Binance, Kucoin... Some bots of this type also trade on equity markets and/or Forex. CEX DABots only accept staking with sTokens, which is a mirror copy of a crypto asset (e.g., sUSDT ~ USDT, sETH ~ ETH, sBUSD ~ BUSD, sBNB ~ BNB…)
Farming DABots are bots that are providers of liquidity pools of AMM-DEX to earn trading commission fees. DABots also earn yield farming income in certain types of liquidity pools. Framing DABots accept staking of tokens that are supported by liquidity pools.
Via RoboFi, each DABot can do the IBO (Initial Bot Offering), fundraising, and circulate bot tokens of itself.
Understand bot life cycle and IBO.
Understand bot tokens.
RoboFi Store provides a set of DABot smart contracts. These contracts follow a common interface so that users could interact with these contracts, in the same manner, no matter the differences in operation business within a DABot.
The figure below describes the interactions between a DABot with its participants/user roles. Business functions of each user role are described here.