Redeem G-tokens

Basically, all users' G-tokens are kept in Vaults to be computed for, and distributed rewards. If users want to redeem G-tokens and get back VICS, firstly, users need to withdraw G-tokens from Vaults to their RoboFi Wallets, secondly, redeem G-tokens in wallets to get back VICS. G-tokens can only be redeemed after-IBO phase.

Please read here to understand the withdraw, deposit, redeem rules.

Step 3: enter the amount of G-tokens you want to withdraw then click the Confirm button. If a user wants to redeem ALL of G-tokens that he/she is having, then later he/she will be no longer a governance user of the current DABot.

Step 4: enter the wallet password and click the Confirm button.

Once step 4 is done, G-tokens are already in user's wallet. User can browse the RoboFi Wallet to check this.

Step 6: if you redeem G-tokens for the first time, you need to unlock your wallet. Click the Unlock wallet button.

Then enter wallet password and click Confirm button.

Step 7: enter the amount of G-tokens you want to redeem, and click the Redeem button.

Then enter wallet password and click Confirm button.

Once step 7 is done, VICS are already sent to user's wallet. Users can browse the RoboFi Wallet to check this.

Last updated