Vaults for C-tokens
There are 3 Vaults for DABots C-tokens:
VIP Vault: to keep C-tokens of any stakings when users stake to DABots "in IBO" phase. Reward weight = 1.2 to prioritize "pioneer stake users" who stake early to contribute to bots' IBO CAP.
Warm-Up Vault: to keep C-tokens of any new stakings when users stake to DABots "after IBO" phase. This vault has "Lock time" which is a countdown-timer as the "staking warm-up period" of each DABot's policy.
Staking warm-up period: is the waiting time for any new-staked-fund to be absorbed and allocated to trading activities.
Because new funds cannot be quickly absorbed and allocated immediately at once, so the reward weight = 0.8 for Warm-up Vault.
When "Lock time" is already ended, it means the new-staked-fund is absorbed and allocated well to trading. Users are advised to unlock and upgrade their C-tokens from Warm-Up Vault to Regular Vault to get standard reward weight (i.e., weight 1). If users do not upgrade, their C-tokens remain in the Warm-Up Vault.
Regular Vault: to keep C-tokens of any stakings which are upgraded from Warm-Up Vault. Reward weight = 1 as standard.
It is important to understand that:
Users' C-tokens can only be in VIP Vault when users stake "in IBO" phase. After IBO phase, there is no way to have C-tokens in the VIP Vault. Any bot tokens withdrawn out of VIP Vault cannot be brought back to VIP Vault.
Always keep your bot tokens in Vaults to get rewards. Any bot tokens not in Vaults but in your wallets will not be rewarded.
Users can withdraw their bot tokens from any vaults to their RoboFi Wallet, then they can exchange/give as present/sell peer-to-peer with other users if they wish to do so. However, as said above, bot tokens not in Vaults are not rewarded.
Users can deposit their bot tokens from their RoboFi Wallet to Regular Vault. There is no way to deposit bot tokens back to Warm-Up Vault or VIP Vault. It means, if a user Alice withdrew her bot tokens out of VIP Vault to her wallet, then Alice cannot deposit that back to VIP Vault.
Unstake rules:
Only C-tokens in user's wallets can be unstaked out of DABots. If users want to unstake, at first, users need to withdraw C-tokens from each Vault to their RoboFi Wallets, then unstake C-tokens in wallets.
C-tokens can only be unstaked after-IBO phase.
The unstaking will also auto harvest staking rewards (if not yet harvested) for user.
The unstaking request will need to wait for a Cool-down time before user can claim the staked-assets. The cool-down time is showned in Bot Policy.
Userguide to unstake from DABots is here.
Last updated