๐Ÿ’ธRoboFi Wallet

RoboFi Wallet is a decentralized hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet that is based on a single random mnemonic phase to generate key pairs (public and private keys) for different types of coins. The mnemonic phrase, wallet password, private key are only known by the wallet owner.

It is important to note that:

  • The wallet password cannot be changed after successful wallet creation.

  • The mnemonic phrase, wallet password, wallet private key are CONFIDENTIAL and only owned by the wallet owner; RoboFi does not store them.

  • If users lose the mnemonic phrase, wallet password, private key, RoboFi cannot reset nor retrieve them for users. This can lead to users' cryptos stored in wallet are inaccessible.

  • NEVER DISCLOSE your mnemonic phrase, wallet password, and private key to anyone else. You may lose all your crypto assets stored in your wallet and can never be able to get them back.

RoboFi Wallet plans to support popular coins and tokens, including (but not limited to):

  • BEP20 tokens

  • ARC20 tokens

  • ERC20 tokens

  • ...

Besides the basic functions of a wallet (i.e., send, receive, check balance, view history), RoboFi Wallet integrates with all other products within the RoboFi Ecosystem. In particular, from the wallet, users will be able to:

  • Convert to/from sToken (via RoboFiTreasury with conversion feature), the minted sTokens can be stored in the RoboFi Wallet.

  • Navigate RoboFi Store for shopping DABots. RoboFi Wallet, RoboFi Store, ... are all integrated in a same web application.

  • Harvest staking rewards (from C-tokens) and governance rewards (from G-tokens) of participated DABots.

User guide to open RoboFi Wallet

User guide to add tokens to RoboFi Wallet

Below is a screenshot of an example RoboFi Wallet storing different tokens.

Last updated